Arm Raisers
My phone vibrated across the counter with an incoming text. I grabbed it, enlarged a photo that was attached, and caught my breath.
There on the screen was an old post I had written years back, under a different ministry, about conquering mountains. The picture, the post, the comments—took me back to that time. I had forgotten all about it.
But it wasn’t only the post that caught me, it was my friend’s words that followed. She heartfelt told me that the post and the meanings had an impact on her all these years later, and she just wanted me to know. She said she missed my writings.
I cried in my kitchen.
Not over her words, but over the reason for her words.
You see, for months before that, I had been praying over what God wanted me to do; gentle promptings had begun to return to writing and ministry. But I wasn’t so sure it was God ordained. There had been loss. There had been devastation. There had been huge doubts of usefulness. There was a hollowness I could’t shake. There were a few years in the thick of it, I had even questioned if He called the right person to do His work.
But then a few internal nudges started; little bits here and there. Almost like a flickering ember from a long extinguished flame.
And I went to my prayer warriors. I asked for covering and clarifying. Months upon months they prayed, we prayed—I prayed. Daily I asked.
Things started becoming clearer.
Conversations with others offered up sage advice.
And then the text—she wasn’t from the prayer warriors—but a God-sent-friend who knew nothing about what I was asking.
I called her back.
I told her the whole story.
She said she just had a “feeling” to reach out.
It was the last of the confirmations that brought me to this blog.
I looked to the heavens and smiled with thankful arms stretched upwards. He heard. He answered. He clarified.
Find yourself a tribe friends! Find yourself a God-fearing, faith-filled, no-limits-to-prayers, always vigilant, God-led-group of women. Find them fast! Find them and love them! Let them love on you and you love on them!
Because God is in the center of that tribe! God takes those friends and uses them as burning bushes to messages He wants you to hear. Whether He tells you first through other means, and they unknowingly confirm it, or they get used directly—those friends, those confidants, are God’s messengers. They are His workers disguised with messy buns and yoga pants getting the job done.
And when that tribe works—boy does it work!
And then when it’s not messages God needs you to hear, it’s the support He wants to give. It’s the arm-raising, and the shoulder-lending, and the sustenance-sharing just to get you through the next day.
I think we need to stop wondering where God is in the clouds, and start seeing him in our friends. The phone calls, and texts, and visits, and all that comes from those special friends, “just at the right time”, are God’s connections to us. Don’t push aside the divine appointment He does in the walking and talking girlfriends surrounding you. If they are seeking God, you can bet that God is seeking you, through them.
And you. Don’t forget about you and your role to the next one over. You, too, are a divine appointment. Those little voices that say “call her”, “stop by”, “offer up___” are whispers from the One who most certainly operates in the whispers.
I’ve always been drawn to the story of Moses and Aaron and Hur who were together on a hillside for a divine appointment over a battle below. When Moses got weary of holding his arms up to protect the armies, Aaron and Hur gave him a place to sit down, and then held his arms up for him. (Exodus 17:8-16)
That right there, says so much in so few words. God appointed—both in connection and direction, merely holding up another’s arms to win a battle.
Friends we are all in battles! Yours most likely does not look like mine, nor mine like yours—but they’re battles none the less. God wants us to be arm raisers for each other. The battles cannot be won without them. Find another who needs raising-grab hold of her hand-and share the victories together lifted high to the Lord!
Lord, we are weary! But we know you are in the midst of the battles we face. Bring us friends. Create circles that don't break. Bless our tribes. Use us to show each other what You want us to know.